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来源:中华网    编辑:Emily     浏览量:


  Calligraphy and calligraphy contains the extensive and profound national culture. Under the background of building a strong socialist culture, it is particularly important to inherit and develop the art of painting and calligraphy. In the artistic creation of life, the creator grasps the pulse of The Times, listens to the sound of the sound of The Times, shows the national spirit with vivid and vivid works, appreciates the artistic essence and philosophical connotation of painting and calligraphy, and describes the spiritual map of the new era. As a famous contemporary calligrapher and painter, Ms.Situ Huixia has positioned her own creation in walking into nature, culture and tradition. Her works reflect in the overall poetic beauty and fresh charm of the special charm of the traditional aesthetics and the spirit of The Times. Therefore, the Global Culture and Art Channel presents her tireless exploration in the inheritance and development of painting and calligraphy in many aspects; casting the cultural character and spirit of the nation; and showing the art of reaching for beauty, expressing the learning mind and aesthetic pursuit.


  司徒惠霞,现为中国女书画家联盟常务理事画家,《文化强国》栏目首批高级智库高级研究员,中企联盟(北京)信息科学研究院副院长,央广文化交流艺术委员会副主席,中国楹联学会书法艺术研究会副秘书长,博鳌亚洲艺术人才研究中心副理事长。出生于广东开平,一个融合中西文化风格,具有浓郁艺术氛围的碉楼之乡——古镇赤坎。自幼受到老一辈艺术家司徒乔,司徒杰等影响 ,酷爱绘画造型艺术,尤其对油画,水粉,水彩,白描,国画人物画痴迷,绘画中讲求结构 ,用色,用光,笔触,国画工意并用,旨在达到形神兼备,不断尝试创新。自少年起就不断参加各类艺术活动,画展,注重全面艺术修养,用心观摩中外绘画名家作品,逐步进入个性创作状态;近年积极参与各地大型艺术绘画展览的创作与活动 ,获得好评。

  SiTuHuiXia, is now the executive director of Chinese female artists union painter, "cultural power" the first senior think-tank, senior researcher, the enterprise alliance (Beijing), vice President of the information science research institute, epicenter wide cultural exchange art committee vice chairman, Chinese couplets calligraphy art society deputy secretary general, vice director of boao Asia art talent research center. Born in Kaiping, Guangdong province, Chikan is a town of Chinese and Western cultural styles and strong artistic atmosphere. Influenced by the older generation of artists Si Tuqiao, Si Tujie and other artists, love painting plastic arts, especially for oil painting, gouache, watercolor, white painting, Chinese painting figure painting obsession, painting emphasizes structure, color, light, brush strokes, national painting meaning, aiming to achieve both shape and spirit, and constantly try to innovate. Since the youth, he has continuously participated in various art activities, art exhibitions, paid attention to comprehensive artistic accomplishment, carefully observe the works of Chinese and foreign painting masters, gradually entered the state of individual creation; in recent years, actively participated in the creation and activities of large-scale art painting exhibitions, won high praise.






荔园乐 69×138cm

Li Yuan Music 69×138cm


一起向未来 69×138cm

Together to the future 69×138cm



湘西河边 69×138cm

Xiangxi River side 69×138cm


妈妈和我 69×138cm

Mom and I are 69×138cm



Blessed life prolongs years






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