CAI Zuti, male, born in March 1935 in Shantou, Guangdong province. Now he is a member of the Expert Committee of China Education Industry and won the title of "Famous Expert in China Education". He is a member of the third China Educators' Conference in 2006 and a researcher of Beijing Zoomlion Education Research Center. China has outstanding contribution experts, central Asia joint international economic development research center, a senior researcher, China review monthly " guest commentator, China international literary association learned member, senior researcher, a senior researcher at the Chinese institute, the Chinese writers and artists association, member of China Yan'an literary society. Honorary president of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute of Chinese Celebrity Association, lifelong honorary consultant of Chinese National Culture and Art Research Institute, honorary director of Chinese Literary and Art Painting Newspaper, special senior consultant of painting and painting, vice chairman and jury member of international ISQ9000A Calligraphy and Painting Artists Qualification Certification Center and so on. Won the China asia-pacific economic development research center economic and cultural exchange center jointly issued by the 2006 China hundreds of industry figures "gold medal, won the Chinese painting and calligraphy institute celebrity association first review" man "," gold medal, "Chinese ten years personal artistic achievement award, painting and calligraphy prize, won the" Chinese ten years pearl artist "," Chinese contemporary outstanding artistic talent " and so on the title.
Mr.Cai Zuti's calligraphy is very unique. The book vigorous boundless, majestic, thought and god, with abstract ink means classic, he with rich life experience and knowledge culture for background, by the support of ink kung fu, a broken after copying ancient and law, because of the heart, with hand heart, writing calligraphy to meet and not eye, it serves to show Mr Cai Zu between the artistic capability and achievement. Mr.CAI Zuti's calligraphy is profound, magnificent and shocking to the world. This remarkable feature also makes Chinese calligraphy rise to a supreme level.
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