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来源:北国网    编辑:Emily     浏览量:


  Calligraphy contains the extensive and profound national culture. Under the background of building a strong socialist culture, it is particularly important to inherit and develop the art of calligraphy. In the artistic creation of deep life, the creators grasp the pulse of The Times, listen to the sound of The Times with the creative state full of passion, use vivid works to show the national spirit, appreciate the artistic essence and philosophical connotation of calligraphy, and describe the spiritual map of the new era. As a famous contemporary calligrapher, Mr.Shen Zhiang has positioned his own creation in walking into nature, culture and tradition. His works reflect the special charm of the overall poetic beauty and fresh charm of traditional aesthetics and the spirit of The Times. Therefore, the Global Culture and Art Channel presents his tireless exploration in calligraphy inheritance and development from many aspects; casting the cultural character and spirit of the nation; and even reaching the beautiful art shows his great realm of vision, and expresses his learning mind and aesthetic pursuit.





  Shen Zhiang, born in 1952, Han Nationality, was born in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. Influenced by my family since childhood, I love the art of calligraphy. Mr.Shen Zhiang's works are not ancient mud, free, elegant stretch, dot painting strength, harmonious echo, integrated, interesting, beautiful. His works have won many titles in international and national competitions, winning the high attention of relevant leaders and the art circles. He has made outstanding achievements in the art of calligraphy and won honors for the country.

  His works have been exhibited and collected in the world's highest art palace in the Louvre in France, New York, Japan, South Korea, the Great Hall of the People in Beijing and other places. It is collected by the National Museum, the National Library and other collection institutions.

  Won the "Top ten Military and civilian Artists", "National Treasure Artist", "Chinese painting and calligraphy hundred outstanding", "prosperous Chinese painting and calligraphy masters", 'Chinese painting and calligraphy with both virtue and art masters', 'touched the Chinese outstanding meritorious calligraphers and painters' and other honorary titles.


























  Su Shishu commented on Mr.Shen Zhiang's calligraphy:

  Like many friends who love the art of calligraphy, I met Mr.Shen Zhiang's calligraphy works. It was his works that attracted me. And over time, I have a deep understanding of him.

  Shen Zhiang has a profound theoretical foundation of calligraphy, good Chinese character writing skills, widely knowledgeable comprehensive cultural quality, hard and serious self-study perseverance and innovative spirit, excellent artistic moral realm and artistic character, which makes his calligraphy art have the aura and vitality.

  A comprehensive view of his calligraphy works makes people feel new but not thin, Chinese but not charming, into a work do not lose law, few word works do not lose great, soft and rigid, vigorous, flesh and blood, structure is natural. Teacher ancient but not mud ancient, seek new and do not take favor. This is " many ancient people cast in the heart, to the pen, the collection of hundreds of long into his own.”

  His calligraphy is fat and bone, bone and flesh, lively and clever. The changeable of the pen, the familiar rules, up and down the belt, left and right look, scattered ups and downs, leaping on the paper. In that flowing line, the circumference, density, size, length, thickness, thick, light, dry, wet and flexible. Majestic atmosphere such as flowing water, it really can be said to be unconventional and unique, unique ingenuity, has its own unique writing style and a unique form of artistic expression.

  His artistic charm not only gives people artistic appreciation, but also gives people spiritual enjoyment. His works, " soft in the strong, show in the strange, is a cool and helpful pen."I" admire Shen Zhiang's calligraphy, and then understand the content of the book, really have a bath, changing clothes, burning incense after reading the thread-bound books feeling. Line incense, ink fragrance, word fragrance, text fragrance four fragrance are overflowing, the nose is comfortable, eye pleasure, relaxed, happy four enjoy good."Write the reader.

  He is not proud, he thinks that the highest realm of calligraphy is to write about the heart, thoughts and feelings. Mr.Shen Zhiang's calligraphy has reached this level. He put the traditional calligraphy skills organically combined with modern calligraphy, with abstract wonderful calligraphy skills bold innovation, its rich ink changes, the word a book, one, like dragon splashing, dragon swim, the freehand brushwork technique into the word, word painting, painting for the word, pen strewn at random ups and downs, bearing, make the audience. Write out his understanding of the pen and ink of life.

  For Mr.Shen Zhiang, calligraphy is his lifelong love and pursuit, but also because of this persistence, his life is several more bumpy than usual, but also several more wonderful.

  All inferior, only a high reading, calligrapher Shen Ang, he if flying fairy outside, elegant and free and easy, like a tough guy, rigid bones, a stroke to write a permanent personality charm. He is willing to be lonely, with the natural quality of the art of calligraphy, this kind of drunk dream like love makes himself step by step to the palace of calligraphy art.

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