Culture is an important force for national survival and development. Every leap forward of human society and every sublimation of human civilization are always accompanied by the historic progress of culture. The Chinese nation has a history of more than 5,000 years of civilization, and China has been one of the world powers before modern times. In thousands of years of history, the Chinese nation has never been plain sailing, encountered countless difficulties, but we all survived, came over, one of the very important reason is that the generations of the Chinese people to cultivate and develop the unique, extensive and profound Chinese culture, to overcome difficulties for the Chinese nation, provides a strong spiritual support. Mr.Liu Yudong, an art master, has made outstanding contributions to carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture to the whole world, and has played an important role in helping to realize the Chinese dream of a strong cultural power.
刘玉栋,1942年生于荣成。字七子,号九东,笔名栋枫,斋名海天阁,首批中国文化名人工作室 刘玉栋工作室。本科学历,中共党员,军转干部。国家一级社会体育指导员,国家特级书画家,中国爱国艺术家。中国文化金融发展联合会终身常务理事长,中国艺术家收藏协会名誉副主席,中国艺术家润格网名誉主席,中国书法美术名家网高级书画顾问,中国书画艺术名家网高级艺术顾问,中国国际艺术网终身艺术顾问,中国网教中心艺术部客座教授,中华国礼出版社终身荣誉社长,法兰西皇家美术学院艺术学博士、皇家首席艺术家,俄罗斯艺术科学院荣誉院士,英格兰皇家艺术基金会永久学术顾问,世界书画艺术评介协会评委,联合国和平书画院终身院士,《厉害了我的国.辉煌中国》国礼珍藏册荣誉主编,纪念2020抗击新型肺炎疫情大爱艺术家,联合国世界卫生组织 . 环球文化传递大使,东京奥运会特邀书画展首席艺术家。荣获“全国首届五体书法”大赛金奖,“世界孔子文学艺术奖”金奖,“中国魂(沈鹏题) . 庆祝中国共产成立100周年红色诗书画创作大赛荣誉红色特别金奖”。被授予“中国文艺泰斗”、“国际知名文艺家”、美中文化产业节“国际艺术泰斗”、“新时代文艺领袖人物”,“最具收藏价值艺朮大师”等荣誉称号。应邀荣登央视总台十余家官方网站。
Liu Yudong was born in Rongcheng in 1942. Zi zi, number 9 east, pen name Dong Feng, Zhai name Haitian Pavilion, the first batch of Chinese cultural celebrity studio Liu Yudong studio. Bachelor degree, CPC member, and military transfer cadre. National first-class social sports instructor, national special calligrapher and painter, Chinese patriotic artist. Permanent Executive Chairman of China Cultural and Financial Development Federation, Honorary Vice Chairman of the Chinese Artists Collection Association, Honorary Chairman of The Chinese Artists Runge Network, Chinese calligraphy and art master network, senior painting, calligraphy and painting consultant, Senior art consultant of Chinese Calligraphy and calligraphy art master network, A Lifetime Art Consultant of China International Art Network, Visiting Professor of the Art Department, China Network Education Center, Honorary Life President of China National Rites Publishing House, Doctor of Art, Royal French Academy of Fine Arts, Royal Chief Artist, Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Art Sciences, A Permanent Academic Consultant to the Royal Foundation for the Arts of England, Judge of the World Calligraphy and Painting Art Evaluation Association, Lifetime member of the United Nations Peace Calligraphy and Painting Academy, "Amazing my country"." Brilliant China, honorary editor of the National Gift, commemorating the 2020 artist, ambassador of the United Nations World Health Organization and Global Culture Transmission, and chief artist of the Special Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition of the Tokyo Olympic Games. Won the gold medal of "the first National Five-Body Calligraphy Competition", the gold medal of "World Confucius Literature and Art Award", "Chinese Soul (Shen Peng). Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of communist China". He has been awarded the honorary titles of "Master of Chinese Literature and Art", "International Famous Literature and Art Master", "International Art Master" in the US-China Cultural Industry Festival, "Leader of Literature and Art in the New Era", and "Master of the Most Collectible Value". Invited to win the more than 10 official websites of CCTV Media Group.
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