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来源:环球文化网    编辑:Emily     浏览量:

他是 狼牙山下东西水村 一位普通的村民,十几年来,他从创建杜甫农家乐园到狼牙山鹏辉旅游餐饮有限公司再到狼牙山文化博物馆,一路阔步前行,硕果累累。这个人就是 县政协委员李晓辉 。
He is a common village in the East and West Water Village of Langyashan. For more than ten years, he went from the creation of Du Fu farm to Langyashan Peng Hui tourism catering Co., Ltd. and to the Langyashan cultural museum. This man is Li Xiaohui, a member of the county's Political Consultative Conference.


Influenced by the spirit of the five warriors of Langyashan, Li Xiaohui's ability to think deeply and perseverance was created. As the tourism of Langyashan continues to rise, Li Xiaohui holds the opportunity to create a farmyard of Du Fu paradise in 2000, becoming one of the founders of the rural tourism in the Langyashan scenic area. After more than ten years of development, from only 5 tables, the couple's shop has grown into a variety of cultural tourism complexes, including catering, accommodation, cultural experience, and product development. Li Xiaohui has won the Baoding labor model, Langyashan ten people, Yixian County good people and other honors, his enterprise has been named "Baoding ten gold medal farm music", "Chinese rural tourism gold medal farm music".


As a member of the county committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference, Li Xiaohui kept in mind the sacred mission, in order to promote the development of the Langyashan scenic area and drive the villagers to get rid of poverty and become rich. In 2012, based on Du Fu paradise, the Yixian County Langyashan Peng Hui tourist catering Co., Ltd. was registered and established, and the Langyashan wonder museum was opened. More than 50 jobs are added to the local area. Strong impetus to local fruit, vegetables, mountain goods sales, increasing the annual income of villagers about 1500000 yuan.


In order to further enhance the cultural taste and overall reception level of Langyashan scenic area and enhance the ability of enterprises to drive the local economic and social development, from 2012, Li Xiaohui began to prepare the Langyashan Cultural Museum, construction in July 2016, and the opening conditions in September 2017, and test operation. The Museum covers an area of 20 mu, with a main building area of more than 10 thousand square meters, with a total investment of 120 million yuan. The theme of "inheriting red gene, carrying forward folklore culture and displaying magic stone charm" is the main theme of the museum, which is divided into three parts: Red anti war and stone middle edge - Kyushu strange stone and folk custom - farming civilization, more than 50 exhibition areas, which exhibit more than 2300 pieces of anti war, folk cultural relics and odd stone specimens.


The museum uses historical display, scene restoration, sculpture wax figure, sound and photoelectric multimedia and other means of display. With heritage heritage and cultural and creative experience Museum, catering, accommodation, conference and other tourist facilities complete, free wireless WiFi full coverage. It is estimated that 200 thousand visitors will be received in the year, which will drive more than 200 local residents to work, and directly increase the wage income of local farmers by 4 million yuan. At present, the Langyashan cultural museum is approved by the expert group of Hebei Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau, and is allowed to register for the museum.


Since the trial operation in September 2017, the Langyashan Cultural Museum has received more than 80 thousand visitors, causing a strong response in the country and becoming a new card of the Langyashan scenic spot. The second red collection exhibition of "inheritance fire, a dream of China" in Yixian County, the opening ceremony of the two session of the two Council of the Hebei ornamental stone association and the base of the stone appreciation cultural activities, the nineteen spirit of the collection exhibition of the red theme collection of the collectors' Association of Hebei Province, the commemoration of the international museum day and the national intangible heritage Appreciation Art guarantee were held. Protect the demonstration unit and other activities. It is named as the base of Hebei stone appreciation cultural activities, the research base of Hebei red collection culture, the patriotism education base of the Red Culture Research Association of China, and the demonstration unit of the national level non legacy project.


Li Xiaohui said that as a member of the county Political Consultative Conference, I will not be responsible and mission, the next step, I will take the Langyashan Cultural Museum as a sharing and co construction exchange platform, make their own enterprises constantly innovation and development, driving local villagers employment. I will contribute to the construction of scenic spots and beautiful countryside in Langyashan.

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